How SentryPage Works

SentryPage Process
The main activity of SentryPage is to inspect every suspicious change
SentryPage shall capture every web page for up to 5 minutes intervals. From this screen-capturing, SentryPage shall compare the before-and-after to find any changes.
Every change will be scanned by our Attack Signature Engine™ and External Resource Engine™ to detect whether the webpage has some anomalies or not.
If the spotted changes/differences have defaced anomaly, SentryPage will immediately send an alert notification through email to SentryPage users.
Features Highlight
Essential features from SentryPage with speed and precision to protect your corporate image
The fundamental of high-performing detection is done by finding the slightest change. We achieve them by comparing the before-and-after change.
All Alerts History
We pull all change alerts and critical alerts history, then integrate them into a simple table. It will help you to manage and take action when an online anomaly is detected.
External Resource Engine
We train SentryPage's our external resource engine will be able to detect an external domain with an unknown source. The source can be links or certain media (such as images) embedded in the source code on a webpage.
Attack Signature Engine
This engine can detect a word and classify it as an unusual text (dirty words, defacement-related words, etc.) that matches the words in the database of the Attack Signature engine.
Immediate Notification
Whenever there is a web page change—or worst: being hacked—you will get an almost real-time alert/warning. The alert notification will be sent as soon as possible to your mailbox.